Friday, January 06, 2006

Back from Hong Kong!!

Hey guys!

Back from Hong Kong, just came back at around 8.30 pm today. And I got the Jardine Scholarship. =) Oh, and here's a conversation I had with the Master of Magdalene College (the college in Cambdrige that I am applying too)

Magdalene applicants including me: Sir, the application results should be out by now right?
Mr. Robinson: Yes, they were actually finalised before Christmas
*Deafening silence and pleading eyes*
Mr.Robinson: *Laughs* Oh well, we normally only invite students that we have accepted into our college for this interview. SO I guess you all can be very optimistic.
*Broad smiles all around*
Mr. Robinson: I guess I'd better go talk to someone else lest I be accused of a breach of confidence...*smiles*

That means we've been accepted into MAgdalene College right?? Anyway, I think they formal letters ahve been sent. Should be receiving then this week!! Oh, hehe,, will post more posts about the Hong Kong trip =)


Blogger FuKhate said...

post some pictures la haha.

COngrats lil furry thing, ya dream came true, and yea Arun, altho u didnt get scholarship, U STILL GOIN TO CAMBRIDGE WART!! no need 'act' like so sad haha..

Oh yea btw, u spelled Cambridge wrongly....and got some other mistakes also haha, too excited eh,

11:50 PM, January 06, 2006  

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