Monday, June 12, 2006

my list

since i started this, so i'll post mine oso la:

1. cher
2. yen
3. jeng
4. pengzhir
5. saolee
6. weisiang
7. lawrence
8. renyin
9. jo
10. waiken
11. chinkeat
12. chinyik
13. shaun
14. zhao
15. hafriz
16. shirley
17. jieqiang
18. zhouhau
19. puiyeen
20. michelle

this's actually a list i did few days ago, BEFORE i saw the result, so i'm being honest here! >.< actually me got alota names in my mind.. but, aihh, limited to 20 only. so others plz dun mind me not listing ur names oh~


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