Another additional info
The more you study, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget the less you know. Therefore, the more you study , the less you know.
If you want it in equation form , it's like this
Study more = know more ...1
Know more = forget more ...2
forget more = know less ...3
Study more + Know more + forget more = know more + forget more + know less ... 1+2+3
therefore, Study more = know less
so, dun have to study for your AS.
OK Make sure you don't study then ok? :P
hmm makes sense, I believe taht I'd been practising that all along...woohoo.
and u Arun and Ashok had been doing the TOTAL opposite all along
hmm..correction :P
study more = know more...1
know more = forget more...2
forget more = know less...3
from equation 1 and 2,
study = know = forget
study more = forget less!!! :)
study hard!!! :P
equation 2 wrong! not a valid argument :P
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