Talk by Cambridge Super Professor
Professor Sir David Williams, Emeritus Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University & Fellow of Emmanuel College, will be in Kuala Lumpur this month. He will be having talks at two events and these will be great opportunities to hear from a man of his caliber. We are therefore happy to invite our members, on behalf of The Oxford & Cambridge Society of Malaysia, to the following events:
i) Sunway University College, Distinguished Speakers Series
Topic: What makes Cambridge a great university?
Date: 18th September 2006
Time: 6.00p.m. (refreshments will be served at 5.15p.m.)
Venue: Multi Purpose Hall, 4th Floor, Sunway University College
Admission: Free
It's not just for Cambridge freshers and freshers from the 'other place' :P
Anyone can go and it's free!! :)
So who's going? :) (other than me)
P.S. There is another event (a formal dinner) held on Wednesday I think, but the registration deadline for that is over and must pay a lot o.0
boycott Cambridge!!!
runtuhkan cambridge lol
Cambridge is SOHAI
no chicks
LSE got more chicks
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