Monday, September 10, 2007

Further Maths materials wanted

Does any of you who still has a hold of further maths books and materials ie past year papers or notes or anything related? Any of you who still have not deleted the soft copy of the past year papers in your computer please send them to my email. I have a friend who needs it. Would really appreciate your help. Thank you=)


Blogger CWKen said...

I still have the textbooks and Ms Tee's notes only.

5:26 PM, September 11, 2007  
Blogger @řũn said...


I still have all the past year papers. At least, all the ones I downloaded from the website. ( or something like that) I'll send it to you soon.

I've sold all my notes, but I believe Ashok still has his. We're both in the UK now, so you'd have to collect it from our house. You should check with Ashok. Oh, and my sister still has her notes and she is in Malaysia now :) So you can probably talk to her about getting her notes. I can give you her email if you want, or my house number and you can call her there.

3:50 PM, September 12, 2007  
Blogger @shok said...

Erm.. yea.. what he said.. =) Though if you take my notes, I never ever write the working down properly.. so it would be better if you took my sister's. Since, I actually used her notes to study.. lol!

4:02 PM, September 12, 2007  

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